Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Maria Friström is an investor, designer, mother, and business owner from Finland, and she’s one of the only few people that can match Brandon Turner in height. Maria was working in Silicon Valley before she voluntaril...
On this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we're going to talk about a unique strategy that combines the power of house flipping with the benefits of home ownership. You'll meet Mindy Jensen and discover how she us...
Today, we’re going to show you how to pay off credit card debt FAST. It isn’t glamorous, and it won’t be easy, but if you can do it, an entire world of wealth-building, opportunity, and financial freedom awaits. So, i...
On today’s episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we are excited to bring you an interview with a prolific investor (and author of one of the world’s biggest real estate books, HOLD: How to Find, Buy, and Rent Houses f...
You could spend HOURS breaking down deals for cash flow, cash-on-cash return, return on investment, price-to-rent ratio, and countless other metrics. What do these terms mean, and which one is most important when anal...
A lot of newbies get stuck when trying to get their first few deals. After all, figuring out how to find properties, how to get the money needed to buy them, and how to not mismanage the property are all big tasks. Th...
The last time Ramit Sethi was on the show, tears were shed, money fears were exposed, and Mindy was forced to take a hard look at her financial habits. Now, Ramit is back, as we revisit some of the critical moments of...
How much money does it really take to buy a rental property?
$200,000? $100,000? $75,000?
On today's show, we are going to chat with Lisa Phillips, a real estate investor who buys real estate in the under-$30,0...
BiggerPockets Podcast 277: Building a Six-Figure Family Real Estate Business with Ashley Wilson
by The BiggerPockets Podcast |
Show 277 image
Many families can’t even enjoy a holiday meal...