Do you lean into data when analyzing real estate deals? In a competitive market, ANY kind of advantage goes a long way towards helping you land better deals. And guess what? Harnessing the power of data is much easier...
Does the four-percent rule actually work? On paper, yes. So why don’t more people put it to the test? Today’s guest retired at forty-seven years old and is living proof that the math really does check out. Stay tuned ...
2024 may be long gone, but it’s NOT too late to lower your taxes for the previous year. If you have real estate or retirement accounts, you already hold the key to minimizing your taxable income and owing less to Uncl...
Want to know how to use your home equity to buy your next rental? You could be sitting on tens of thousands in potential funds that’ll make saving for the down payment MUCH easier. But first, you’ll need to know how m...
Brandon Turner is back! That’s right, live from the Sea Shed are your beloved BiggerPockets hosts, Brandon and David! Can you feel the bromance brewing through your speakers, or is it just us? David flew out to attend...
Have you ever considered flipping houses for cash but aren’t sure where to start? If so, today’s episode is perfect for you! Brandon and David interview Steven Pesavento, a long distance flipper who’s doing 75 deals a...
Want to buy your first investment property? You DON’T need twenty percent down sitting in your bank account. We know; everyone has told you that you need a massive down payment before you buy a property. But did you k...
Terrified of running out of money in retirement? Countless people share the same fear. With so much recent discourse surrounding inflation and a looming recession, you may have a tighter grip on your money than usual....
Is early retirement healthcare crushing your budget? Are you tired of getting your standard two percent raise every year? What do you do when a “friend” borrows money and never pays you back? Some personal finance que...
Nasar El-Arabi is a self-proclaimed “failure” when it comes to being employed. He wasn’t cut out for the banking industry, the call center, or the classroom. Some people aren’t meant to be employed, and Nasar was one ...