Personal finance doesn’t have to be complicated. Saving, investing, and retiring early shouldn’t be a stumbling path to wealth, but many Americans feel this way. So, to clear up some of the money misconceptions, we’re...
Three years ago, Luke Otto knew next to nothing about rental properties. His interest was instantly piqued when he got into a conversation about real estate investing with an old friend. He went home and immediately s...
Want to invest in real estate but feel like you don’t have everything it takes? You know you need money for a down payment, skills to manage tenants/perform renovations, and time to find the deals in the first place. ...
Want to make multiple streams of income? Well, guess what? You DON’T need to buy more properties to do it. Instead, you can turn an existing rental property into a cash cow…but it has to meet the right qualifications....
If you want to reach early retirement, especially in your thirties, you’ll need to take some big risks. Today’s guest turned down what would have been a dream salary to many people, choosing to work for himself while ...
Have you ever been in a conversation where someone has had to ask you to repeat something multiple times? It’s frustrating when you’re trying to tell someone something and they just won’t listen, but what about all th...
Want to cut your electric bill in HALF? A few secret yet simple hacks can save you hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, on your utility bills. And with energy prices almost double where they were just a few years back, everyon...
If you don’t feel amped up to accomplish your goals, you definitely will after this episode. Today we talk to real estate agent, entrepreneur, author, and Million Dollar Listing New York star, Ryan Serhant. You’ve pro...
We’re joined today by author, consultant, and entrepreneur Brian Moran, author of The 12 Week Year. Brian holds a view that many BiggerPockets listeners subscribe to: you are more capable than you think. Through short...
The fear of Job loss has become real for most Americans. And if you’re falling into the “middle-class trap,” a sudden loss of income could be even more severe. After the recent tech layoffs of 2022 and 2023, businesse...