Want to pay ZERO taxes next year? If you own real estate or are building a portfolio, there’s a good chance that you can legally keep your profits away from Uncle Sam. But you’ll need one thing before you can do so. O...
The easiest way to supercharge your real estate portfolio? Host your own real estate meetups to build your network! If that sounds intimidating, you’re not alone! Many rookies let their lack of experience or fear of n...
Is your market worth buying in? With the economy on shaky footing, now ISN’T the time to guess. And once you find your investing area, how do you ensure your rental property will profit? Even in 2023, when cash flow i...
There’s a new three-peat on the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, and no, it’s not Michael Jordan. Danny Johnson, the founder of Forefront CRM, is back with us on today’s episode to talk about the five F-words of rea...
You can retire with rental properties faster than you think. That’s right, toss out the “wait until I’m sixty-five and HOPE I have enough” mentality. That might be okay for most Americans, but it’s NOT okay for YOU. Y...
Multifamily real estate has crashed, but we’re not at the bottom yet. With more debt coming due, expenses rising, incomes falling, and owners feeling desperate, there’s only so much longer that these high multifamily ...
The US economy has survived the past few years surprisingly well. But there's one huge threat on the horizon no one is watching. With layoffs and bankruptcies already starting to tick up, a new wave of misfortune coul...
Which home renovations will boost your property’s value and put you in a better position to sell? Or, if you’re not selling, how do you rake in even more equity during a hot housing market? If you have some time, a bi...
If you want to start investing in real estate and buy your first rental property, there are six beginner steps you’ll need to take. Following these steps to a tee could mean the difference between having a home-run fi...
With some often overlooked home renovations, you could boost your property’s value by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. But which home renovations have the best bang for your buck? We’ve got pro house fl...