It’s easy to get caught up in the world of residential real estate investing. Maybe buy a single-family buy-and-hold deal, or try and flip a house, or why not BRRRR? But, residential real estate comes with many challe...
Rent prices have come down to earth after their meteoric growth of 2020 - 2022, but what will they do in 2025? Will we continue to see slow (or no) rent price growth, or could lower interest rates push more households...
Want 100% passive income? As in no tenants, toilets, phone calls, or painting! You can get genuinely passive income through one type of investment—real estate syndications. Never heard of them before? You’re about to ...
Having limited lung capacity while playing college basketball seems almost impossible. But, like almost everything else in Nolan Gottlieb’s life, he pushed through it to accomplish his dreams. Hard work and determinat...
Real estate zoning allows those with a keen eye, creative mind, and delayed gratification to transform a once-vacant warehouse into a massively profitable multifamily deal. While this isn’t as easy as the simple buy-a...
How do you build massive wealth while keeping your passions, family, faith, and bank account intact? Successful real estate investors will tell you the same thing: you need to automate and systematize to make time for...
We interview a lot of great guests on our Sunday episodes of the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast, but we rarely hear from agents, investors, and BiggerPockets listeners who are in an early stage of real estate succe...
Wedding costs have been slowly growing over the past few decades. But recently, after a wild 2020, 2021, and 2022 wedding season, the average wedding cost has hit heights that most Americans simply can’t afford. But w...
Last week, Brandon and David sat down to talk about the “Core 4” of any successful real estate team. Now they’re here to talk about the “Divided 5-ed”, a term they coined to describe the five team members you’ll need ...
On today’s show, a married couple who scaled to 5,000 units together!
Brandon and David interview Mark and Tamiel Kenney, a husband and wife team who buy large apartment complexes through the power of syndication. ...