Student loan debt can easily get in the way of financial independence, especially if there’s a high interest rate attached to your loans. But should you pay down this debt at the expense of investing for the future? T...
Military real estate investing is perhaps the easiest way for veterans to reach financial freedom. Today’s guest is a prime example, going from broke recruiter to “military millionaire” in just FIVE years. And get thi...
If a potential tenant approaches you about Airbnb rental arbitrage, you may wonder if there’s a catch. Are you responsible for damages? What if you encounter a noisy guest? As a landlord, there are all kinds of pros a...
Need flexible funding for your deals? Private money could be the answer. Whether you’re looking to dodge the bank or want greater control over the terms of your deal, that’s exactly what this creative finance option c...
With doomsday headlines and lagging consumer confidence, how should you proceed in 2024? Time to get the advice of TWO senior economists! BiggerPockets’ Dave Meyer talks with ZILLOW’s Orphe Divounguy and REDFIN’s Chen...
Are mortgage points really worth it? In many cases, they can save you money on a loan. But be careful; that lower rate might not be worth the cash you put up! It’s important to run the numbers before doing a mortgage ...
“Tiny” investments with BIG upsides? Today’s guest turned a $12,000 down payment (all the money he had) into four rental properties and a unique real estate investing business. After an injury from his time in the Arm...
Want to know how to buy your first rental property without money getting in the way? For years, Mike wanted to invest in real estate, but banks wouldn’t give him a loan. If you’re having the same issue, we’re here to ...
Want a better rental property loan? You’ve probably tried talking to banks, brokers, and residential lenders about growing your real estate portfolio, only for them to hit back with W2, income, and credit score requir...
Want to scale your real estate portfolio faster? These investment property loans can help. Most real estate investors get stuck early on in their journey. They buy some properties and build up some comfortable cash fl...