I have a potential eviction in Memphis TN! If signs show a potential eviction on the horizon due to tenant not returning phone calls and allowing my contractors inside to estimate repairs and simply dodging me for the...
Hi I'm new to this site and just doing research on getting into real estate investing. I've bought a couple of books and listened to hours and hours of youtube videos on different angles of career opportunities. I ha...

As the middle man in a wholesale deal, what legal fees am I responsible for? Title search/closing etc. I have a signed sale agreement and notorized memorandum I am sending over to a closing attorney in the morning. I'...

If you get something with owner finance or lease option how do you know when you'll be able to refinance? Is it usually a matter of your overall debt to income ratio and it's length of history? Or is it just the incom...

So I got my first lead call today asking me to call them back after 5pm today.
I'm looking for the correct steps in this process.
Here is what I plan to do:
1) Call them back and fill out my lead sheet with info abo...

When i acquired my 4th mortgage on my investment property last year November, there was no issue of representing myself as a buyer and agent. Suntrust allowed me to roll my entire commission into closing costs, and wa...

I am closing on a duplex tomorrow, and one of the tenant's has a fixed lease through July 2019. The lease agreement specifically states that there is to be no range in the unit, but there IS one in there. When presse...

I want to purchase this duplex in cleveland 44120 with tenant in it. I contacted the agent, she said the current owner of the duplex didn't have a sign lease contract with the tenant. The tenant called the agent tha...

Hi everyone! I have been cold-calling for about 2 weeks since last December, and I've learned a good chuck about wholesaling in about a month or so, with around 90 pages worth of notes on the entire process. So far, I...

So I am placing an offer on a Short Sale and I feel like its just too lengthy. Below is the letter of intent, I have tried to make it personal and cover all of the details. Should I split this up into multiple documen...