I live in Texas, and I've heard of the TREC 20-12 but its 9 pages and I've seen a lot of wholesaler's just locking up contracts with a simple but yet effective 1 page Contract, I looked around the web and found these ...

Hey everyone any advice or experience would be appreciated. After starting out first flip we had people approach us wanting to give us money for our next flip. We have identified our next flip and want to figure out a...

Hi would anyone be kind enough to send me a lease agreement for Ohio? I have rentals in Pa but I am expanding into Ohio.

My Father and I are part of an LLC through our real estate investing business. We are buying a property for $15,000.00 cash. I got an email from our lawyer we use typically to close on a cash and or contract deals....

Hi there,I am currently investing in single-family properties in Florida and Indiana. I buy, rehab, refi and then I offer these homes under owner-financing terms (i.e. agreement for deed) with a 30 year payoff agreem...

Under what circumstances can we terminate the lease option agreement and revert to a standard landlord-tenant relationship? For instance, can we incorporate a clause in the Option Agreement that states if the tenant/b...

I'm very familiar with Wholesaling and Assignment of contracts.
With a Lease Purchase, would I simply get the property under a Lease Purchase contract with the owner and assign my rights?

What contracts do you sign as the wholesaler? Should I sign "Purchase and Sale Agreement " with the seller and "Assignment of Contract Agreement" with the buyer or what? Thank you