3 Valuable Lessons I Learned From Backing Out of My First Fix & Flip Deal
1 min read

Although I have been investing for over 10 years, I have never led one of our fix and flip projects myself! So I decided to take the plunge, and I made my first offer on a fix and flip deal. I thought it was a "done deal." _ Related: _ However, I ended up backing out of the deal and canceling the contract. I learned some extremely valuable lessons during this process that I wanted to share in this short video.
What I Learned From Backing Out of My First Fix & Flip Deal
https://www.youtube.com/embed/yXUkC6PeNGs?ecver=1_[Editor's Note: We are republishing this article to help out our newer readers.]_Have you ever backed out of a deal? What did you learn in the process? Let's talk in the comments section below!