1500 E Mt Vernon St, Somerset, KY 42501
Current Rent **
Projected Rent **
Unit 1 Details
- Current Rent: $450
- Bedroom: 1 bd
- Bathroom: 1 ba
- Square Footage: 3532 sqft
- Occupied: Yes
- Needs Repairs: No
- Off MLS: Yes
Unit 2 Details
- Current Rent: $445
- Bedroom: 2 bd
- Bathroom: 1 ba
- Square Footage: 0 sqft
- Occupied: Yes
- Needs Repairs: No
- Off MLS: Yes
Unit 3 Details
- Current Rent: $450
- Bedroom: 2 bd
- Bathroom: 1 ba
- Square Footage: 0 sqft
- Occupied: Yes
- Needs Repairs: No
- Off MLS: Yes
Unit 4 Details
- Current Rent: $450
- Bedroom: 3 bd
- Bathroom: 1 ba
- Square Footage: 0 sqft
- Occupied: Yes
- Needs Repairs: No
- Off MLS: Yes
Exciting 4-Plex Investment Opportunity!
Property Address: 1500 E Mount Vernon St, Somerset, KY 42501
Property Type: Apartment (4-Plex)
Asking: $192,500
*assignment of contract
Please visit https://www.prt.realestate/1500-e-mt-vernon-st for more details and pictures.
Call or Text Today!
1500 E Mt Vernon St, Somerset, KY 42501
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* The cap rate and cash on cash return calculations found on BiggerPockets Listings are estimated and designed to be used for informational and educational purposes only, and when used alone, do not constitute investment advice. They assume 3 months worth of expenses and estimate taxes and insurance. BiggerPockets recommends that you seek the advice of a real estate professional before making any type of investment. The results presented may not reflect the actual return of your own investments. BiggerPockets is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by these tools. Furthermore, BiggerPockets is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.
** Current rent and projected rent are provided by the lister.
† Rental comps are pulled by looking at property characteristics (beds, baths, structure type), date the rent listing was captured, and proximity to the searched location.
‡ Confidence levels range from low to very high. Confidence is determined by the number of recent and relevant comparable properties for any given search. A very high confidence level indicates a high number of recent and similar rental listings.
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