Find A Construction & Building Company
The BiggerPockets' company directory was designed to help members find real estate investing companies locally. Using the directory, members can find contractors and builders near them to hire for any property job. Narrow down searches by using the filter section to make sure the contracting company is the best one for the job.
Questions To Ask A Potential Contractor
Before choosing a contractor you will want to make sure the proper questions are asked. The last thing any real estate investor wants is a botched job on a property. Here are some helpful questions you can ask to help choose the right contractor for the job.
How long have you been in business?
Do you have a contracting license?
Can I see your certificate of insurance?
What is your timeline for completion of the job?
Do you have a dedicated team for each job?
Will your team clean up at the end of each day?
How will additional charges be dealt with?
Is there a warranty on your work?
How did you determine the pricing on this estimate?
Do you belong to any professional organizations?
Can you provide a list of references?
How often do you finish your projects in time?
Who pulls the permits for the job?
Have you been involved with any legal disputes over a job?
Having Trouble? Contact Customer Support
If you are experiencing issues with the company directory please don’t hesitate to reach out to BiggerPockets’ customer support.
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