I've been searching the market for probably 6 months now looking to buy my first investment property locally. I live 5 minutes outside of Penn State and with all the new events I'm deciding to hold off on buying anything here locally as PSU has the potential to be hit very hard. Lawsuits, Football Ban, Enrollment numbers go down, vacant apartments, lost jobs, etc. It's amazing how much one organization can boost (or destroy) their local economy.
With that said my question is how to get to know other markets without flying all over the place and spending time there. What do you do to learn what kind of neighborhood properties are located in, the current employment rate, avg income, school information, crime, and even morale or mentality of a particular area.
I'd feel much comfortable buying locally and staying close to my investments but I know people search out property away from home every day. But what steps do you take to feel 100% about your decision to purchase a particular property in location you're not familiar with?