Based on the info you provided, if your number priority is to get out of that house, I think you're going to have to become renters. The lending requirements are very different now than they were in 2007, so with no cash and marginal credit, it's going to be very difficult for you to qualify for a bank loan.
With respect to what to do with your house, you can sell or rent. If you choose to sell, contact a realty office and ask for an opinion as to its value. If it's less than what you owe, a short sale is what you'd need. There are people that specialize in them, so I'd recommend finding one of them. If you want to rent, again, you can speak to a realtor and ask what the rental market is like and you can then see if that's something that works financially. But don't forget the other part of being a landlord . . . dealing with tenants. It sounds great to tell people you have a rental, but it can be a rude awakening. Best of luck.