Hello, thanks for reading the question.
My apt manager wants to repair the pipes in my apt because my neighbors have been complaining about the noises. However, it requires to open the ceiling of one of my rooms for a total reconstruction. It’ll take about 2 weeks and I probably can’t use that room during that time. The worker that came for inspection also told me that the building or the pipe is not in danger, the repair is only for the noises. The noises don’t bother me, and due to coronavirus I don’t want people in my apt for unnecessary reasons. After talking to my neighbors, we all agree to not have it done. However, the manager lady told me they would have it done no matter if we want it or not, and we have no other options but to comply as renters. After talking to my neighbors, I also found out they had this issue for 5 months already, and I moved in only one and half months ago, they could’ve get it done before I moved in but they waited for this long.
Is it even legal for a landlord to force an unnecessary repair like this? I’m not charged full amount of rent because of the repair but I’d rather pay rent than have them do it. I’m wondering if I can stop them from this repair altogether, or if I can just get out of the lease because they violated some sort of terms and have them compensate me for the hassle.
If you know anything, please let me know. Thank you!