Hello, happy weekend! I thought it would be better to throw a new post here about the rent deduction question. We had an leaking issue in the last post when the previous tenants stayed for their last two weeks. It was caused by AC unit dripping. After they moved out and the new tenants soon moved in, we must have the handyman to fix the upstair carpet and board and downstair ceilings. Since the tenants usually go out to work and our handyman will have to book 3 days in a week to have the work done, the tenants want to discuss about the rent deduction or prorated rent for July. We will try to coordinate with handyman to come over the weekends, but the tenants seems will be out for weekends as well. Is it normal to give them rent discount? If so, how much should we consider, like do we need to calculate by their salaries by hour or how much day/hours spending so they will be deducted from the rent? May I have any advices from you guys? Thank you so much!