I was considering to accept a tenant from section 8 program. But inspector failed my unit with many un-professional reasons. And they force me to fix the problems without sending me the report, and accept this tenant. Is it ok to decide not to fix them?
I received phone call from this inspector and later from section 8 program. They threaten me that I violate the discrimination law if I decide not fix these problems and not accept this tenant. It seems like if I accept inspection and I have already signed the lease with section 8. Anyone knows what will happen if I do not talk with them anymore? Sue me in the court?
I also feel being racial discriminated during inspection. Because I am immigrate and not good at English, this inspector picked everything he could. The house was bought about one month ago. It has Boston fire department smoke alarm certificate. But it is failed smoke detector. He also ask me to remove a cabinet light that was bought from Home Depot for sink. The bathroom in the basement has no ceiling and door. The inspector requires to install fans, or demolish the bathroom. Will the fan works if no ceiling and door for the bathroom?