I told the realtors and loan broker I work with these 5 things up front.
1. I work long hours at my day job and run my REI business on nights and weekends, that means you do to.
2. You will likely have more negotiations while representing me than with the average couple buying a home because of an emotional response. It either makes money or not and in order for it to make money it has to be below market.
3. I buy rehab properties. You will likely have to show properties that are not very nice to look at or smell and are probably occupied by unsavory individuals. And you will likely have to negotiate with the slumlord that let it get that way.
4. You might have to show 10, 20, or even 50 properties before finding a deal that works for me.
5. You will probably make less money per hour of labor with me, but in exchange you get repeating income from a frequent buyer.
They all told me the appreciated the warning. LOL
Just thought of 6. You might end up looking like this...