Personally, I think you should go to college, maybe not in the particular major of real estate as I'm not sure how practical that major is in terms of being hired in that field vs just getting your real estate license.
The way I see it is to not put all your eggs in one basket. In the world we live in today, if you have a college education (hopefully in something practical) you can have something to fall back on and still make a sizable living in your absolute worst case scenario. Lastly, college is a lot of fun, the friends and amount of growing you do is truly unbelievable. I don't think getting $100k in debt is worth that but if you can find a college that won't break the bank, that might be something to look into. I am not sure where your college is and how much the ones in your area cost but in Florida it's about $6K a semester or $48K for 4 years, something that can be paid back in 1-2 years of working, for expanding your network, finding yourself, just enjoying your time and youth and knowing you will always have a safety net.
Of course, if you know you're the type to work hard, live with 10 roommates, not complain, have a great mindset, mental toughness and can handle all the bumps in the road and obstacles that come your way, then go all out and crush it in the real estate world. For the majority of people, that's not the case and therefore I recommend the safer slower route.
just my 2 cents