Hi everyone,
I currently live in the Chicago area and am actively searching for short-term rental properties in Door County. After reviewing the city ordinances, I have a couple of questions about STR regulations. Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated
1) In the Short-Term Rental Ordinance (Baileys harbor), I found the following:
“If the rental of a Residential Dwelling is less than seven (7) consecutive days, the first day
of a subsequent rental of less than seven (7) consecutive days may not begin until the sixth
(6th) day after the first (1st) day of the immediately preceding rental.”
Question --> Does this mean that we cannot host another guest within the same week if the first guest's stay was less than seven days?
2) Another section mentions:
“6. The owner/operator must reside within 75 miles of the Short-Term Rental during periods in which the Short-Term Rental is rented. a. This requirement may be waived if there is a valid Resident Agent (point of contact) located within 25 miles of the Town of Baileys Harbor, in such a case, the owner/operator shall provide a copy of the Resident Agent contract to the Town and notify the Town within 30 days of termination of any such contract. b. To qualify as a Resident Agent the representative must reside within a 25-mile radius of the Town of Baileys Harbor or be a corporate entity with offices located within a 25-mile radius of the Town of Baileys Harbor.
7. The Property Owner and/or Resident Agent must provide the Town with current contact information and must be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by telephone. The Town must be notified within 24 hours of any change in contact information.”
Question --> If we work with a local cleaning person who can act as the point of contact for the Town and be responsible for maintaining the house, would I still need to contract with a management company?
Thank you again for your help.