Should I aim for more Cash on Cash ROI since it is my property or this would be a buy?
Will there be any other for see monthly expenses that I may not have taking into consideration?
Monthly Income: $2,200.00
Monthly Expenses: $1,815.61
Monthly Cash Flow: $384.39
NOI: $12,238.00
Total Cash Needed: $51,500.00
Cash on Cash ROI: 8.96%
Property Information
Purchase Price: $167,500.00
Purchase Closing Costs: $7,000.00
Estimated Repair Costs: $11,000.00
Total Cost of Project: $185,500.00
After Repair Value $200,000.00
Down Payment: $33,500.00
Loan Amount: $134,000.00
Loan Points: $0.00
Loan Fees:
Amortized Over: 25 years
Loan Interest Rate: 3.000%
Monthly P&I: $635.44
Vacancy $66.00 (3%) Repairs $110.00 (5%)
CapEx $176.00 (8%) Electricity $100.00 (5%)
Water & Sewer $100.00 (5%) Insurance $120.00 (5%)
Management $154.00 (7%) P&I $635.44 (29%)
Property Taxes $204.17 (9%) HWT Rental $25.00 (1%)
Heating $125.00 (6%)
Total $1,815.61 (83%)
Debt Coverage Ratio: 1.60
Appreciate your feed backs!