Problem-solving or problem finding?
Which of the two characteristics will make you close more sales? I have always been told, if you can solve the problem of your prospect, the sale is in the back of you pocket. While reading Daniel H. Pink book: To Sales Is Human, I realized that it isn’t about solving the problem anymore but it's about finding it. Here’s why:
Suppose I’m in the market for a vacuum cleaner. Your buying behaviour would probably be to go online and check out specs and ratings on various models, read customers’ feedback on blogs, then compare the most attractive models to finally buy what you think was the best product for your needs. Purchase made, problem solved but what if I’ve gotten my problem wrong?
After all, my ultimate aim isn’t to acquire a vacuum cleaner. It’s to have clean floors. Maybe my real problem is that the screens on my windows aren’t sufficient to keep out dust, and replacing them will keep my house cleaner. Maybe my problem is that my carpet collects dirt too easy, and a new carpet will obviate the need for me to always be vacuuming.
Someone who can help me achieve my main goal, clean floors, in a smarter, cheaper way is someone I’ll listen to and perhaps even buy from. If I know my problem, I can likely solve it. If I don’t know my real problem, I might need help FINDING IT.
Think different!