@Jay Hinrichs - But correction coming is going to just take some time to play out its
not a situation were hey i am going to wait 60 days and the deals are
going to be like 09 ..
that's my thought
Spot on...... A correction doesn't fully play out in 2 months, 6 months, or even a year. I tend to think their are some issues with the RE market and we are very late cycle, but I don't expect a correction to play out quickly.
Speaking from a Midwestern point of view, I recall during the last bubble seeing the coasts fall well before there any issues locally. Everyone pointed to NYC, CA, FL, LVS, etc. and the current fall, but seemed to think that we were immune..... "Hey its only $2M condos in Miami... nothing to see here." It was about a year after that you started seeing issues around here on mainstream properties, and even then it took years to reach the true bottom.
Everyone pontificates about how they have "cash" ready to buy the next dip. This so called "cash" will disappear if/when we have a true correction. This "cash" is in the form of LOCs, perceived equity, and in exceedingly rare circumstances, actual reserves.
What will happen to this cash if we see a large correction? LOCs get cancelled (read the fine print), perceived equity disappears (no refi until you die), and the true cash (what little there is) goes into hiding because its now actually being used as a "reserve."
Real estate doesn't fluctuate like the stock market (Bottom in March, and high a few months later), it is a process and a grind. When the true best buying opportunities are out there, many will be afraid to act, unable to close, and most likely out of the game entirely. At that point real estate won't be as sexy as it is now days and you won't be talking about being a developer/investor/etc. with your friends at cocktail parties....... Then the cycle repeats....