Several months ago I filed a BBB claim about the flooding in the 930 Poydras "luxury" apartments in New Orleans. Since then my neighbors and I have experienced more of the same. When some of us dared to report such matters to the proper authorities we were bullied and threatened with 30-day notices to vacate the premises. As a result, one of my adjacent neighbors has already moved and several others are on their way out.
Pretty soon I will also be moving out because I dared to report flooding in my apartment that occurred as a result of leaks through what are supposed to be sealed windows and walls during a heavy rainstorm. I emailed the following report to the building management via their online service portal:
Subject: Flooding in apartment on 26 May 2015/ Carpet Removed & not Returned
I am following up on the flooding that occurred in unit #1905 on the morning of Tuesday, 26 May 2015.As witnessed by security guard on duty (D...) and the concierge on duty (A...) quite a bit of water entered the apartment due to what should have been a sealed area of the window and the wall - not an open window.I was told that maintenance would be coming to inspect this and to caulk this area.Please let me know when they will be doing this - especially in light of the fact that we are approaching hurricane season.Finally, as also witnessed, my rug was soaking wet due to this flooding.Hence, it was removed from my apartment and I was told that it would be cleaned.It is almost a week now and I have not received my carpet. Please let me know the status of it ASAP.
As a result, I received the following typo-riddled and grammar-challenged email from one of our building managers:
From: Kelly LaBure
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2015 6:20 PM
Cc: Kelly Parenton
Subject: Notice- 1905
Good afternoon ,
Please accept this as your official 30 notice to vacate by the end of your lease term, June 30, 2015. We are not offering a renewal at this time.
If you have any questions please, respond to this email . Freight elevator scheduling can be do through the front desk or myself.
Thank you!
Kelly LaBure
Any suggestions as to how to deal with this? Thanks!