HML's obviously has it's uses...
But why end up potentially paying 12-15% plus 4-6 points and have to have some skin in the game when you can educate yourself on how private mortgage lending works ( NOT the same as HML) If you are in RE for the long haul then not learning how PML works and how to find/educate your own lenders is crazy. Besides that's all HML's do. They find someone happy w/ receiving a nice 7-12% return secured by real estate and broker out that lenders money to other RE investors and collect the spread. You can be the one who finds your own PL's for your own investments.
Bottom line with HML you are not in control. With PML you are. The caveat/value for the potential PML is an alternative for secured returns backed by real estate purchased at significant discounts (60-70 LTV's.... and depending on your local market, a quick flip or long term hold - lease/option) as an exit.
Out of all the 1 on 1 presentations I've given, I have only ran into one individual who actually knew what PML was. Once a person understands the program and you present yourself as someone credible then games over.
People have been sitting on the fence and are ready for something new (in their eyes) where they can recoup some of the losses in the last few years.
Educate yourself on this subject, research and find someone/course who can show you it works. It's one of those investments you make in yourself that is WELL worth every penny.
Hope this helps