Hey all,
I'm glad a forum with like minded people. I've been listening to the podcast and reading the forums. I know there's a lot to learn and there are no short cuts.
I'm looking to become a real estate investor. I'd like to own a few properties and have some passive income coming in. I'm just learning about wholesaling which is also interesting.
My current situation is as follows. I work in sales selling high end luxury home furnishings to the trade only: interior designers and architects. Many of you might see opportunities in that itself but I've struggled to see the path. I purchased my primary residence in 2010 at the lowest point of the market. It wasn't planned, I just fortunate. Right place at the right time. Needless to say I've done a lot of the renovations myself and I'm proud of the work I've done. The market is at an all time high and I have agents approaching me if I want to sell.
I'd prefer not to sell for the sake of my family but I also believe we could cash out and have a lot of capital to make multiple investments so we can reach our goals and move into our dream home down the road. But we would have to sacrifice our current situation. We're pretty solid financially and have zero debit other than our mortgage and regular monthly bills.
I'd love to hear how other investors would move forward if they could do it over or if in my position. Would you sell your primary residence, rent it, wholesale until there was enough capital to buy a rental? I'm open to any ideas or stories.