@Tim Youse Those are some great thoughts. Thank you for the input. I have someone I am looking to work with to scale a large portfolio. I am more or less trying to figure out the best way to split earnings. cash flow, equity, also depreciation. 50/50 is the easy answer. This is where it could get complicated...
Say we start with $1M (partners money) and we purchase and renovate 10 houses. We place tenants and have them pumping out some income. Then we refi through a commercial loan at 75%LTV BUT we are only able to cash out $950K. This would leave the money guy out 50K. Would he get a larger portion of cash flow until he recoups the money or does he get more equity or is recouped at some point down the road. I'm just looking for input on some different scenarios. The good thing is that neither one of us need the money produced by the cash flow immediately. My main concern is building something big. Just say we end up buying 100 units cash flowing $500 each on average. Thats $50K/month so even if he ends up out of pocket $500K after everything is refied it would only take 10 months to make him whole. Then we would just have cash cow pumping out a very nice income for us to split.