Originally posted by @Rodney Marcantel:
Originally posted by @Scott W.:
the only issue with that is you have to hope the home appraises. it worked out for you but some appraisers just go off the most recent sold comps.
Then they are not good appraisers. If it does come off under the sold price AND if the buyers aren't willing to cover the difference, then I'll get my agent to have the house appraised with their trusted appraiser.
I am not trying to be negative Nancy and rain on your success parade. I don't want any of this bad stuff to happen, all I'm saying is it could and it has to me. I do have to point out that your plan to have your agents appraiser come in after the fact will simply not do anything. First, I think you mentioned the buyers went FHA. If that's the case, the appraisal done by their lender will be the appraisal that sticks to the house for the next 6 months no matter what. FHA appraisals are property specific and if those buyers can't close, the next buyer to come along FHA would have to use the same appraisal, for up to 6, months. Second, if the buyers are not FHA, it's irrelevant what any other appraiser says, it's the banks appraiser that matters, and if they come in low, there is nothing that can be done to change the course of that deal (aside from an appeal).
The point you made about your market appraising higher was a good one. I do hope your fine. $50k seemed like a big bridge to cross for the comps you mentioned that sold recently.