Please, please, PLEASE be careful and be considerate in regard to those needing accommodations! Not only, in today's day and age of instant feedback and reporting, but even word of mouth and news stations who LOVE someone to demonize, people love to rally around a cause.
Requires housing providers to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. A reasonable accommodation is a change in rules, policies, practices, or services so that a person with a disability will have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling unit or common space. A housing provider should do everything s/he can to assist, but s/he is not required to make changes that would fundamentally alter the program or create an undue financial and administrative burden. Reasonable accommodations may be necessary at all stages of the housing process, including application, tenancy, or to prevent eviction.
A word reasonable is subjective - what's reasonable to you may not be to however many else... And now get a judge involved.
Requires housing providers to allow persons with disabilities to make reasonable modifications. A reasonable modification is a structural modification that is made to allow persons with disabilities the full enjoyment of the housing and related facilities.
Reasonable modifications are usually made at the resident's expense. However, there are resources available for helpingfund building modifications. Additionally, if you live in Federally assisted housing the housing provider may be required to pay for the modification if it does not amount to an undue financial and administrative burden.
Requires that new covered multifamily housing be designed and constructed to be accessible. In covered multifamily housing consisting of 4 or more units with an elevator built for first occupancy after March 13, 1991, all units must comply with the following seven design and construction requirements of the Fair Housing Act
These are facts quoted directly from -
I don't know much about ADA compliant housing, but I HAVE had to study up on ADA compliant business practices. I hope at least some of this helps.
Will H