Thanks for all the perspectives everyone. That's awesome how rent prices are more stable than real estate prices.
original thought was that competition from other landlords brings
prices down because they'd be scooping up properties for cheaper and
wouldn't need to charge as much. But I see it's a lot more dependent on
factors and I'll just have to figure it out according to my specific markets.
@Sibbir Noman I'm not looking downtown but I am sticking to the city and near suburbs because of the abundance of brick 3-flats all close to each other. Hermosa, Cicero and Pilsen are piquing my interest right now. Pilsen is weird it's kind of gentrifying because there are a lot of artist lofts there. The half-gentrified, half not-gentrified neighborhoods are confusing for me because it's like apples and oranges combined mucking up the numbers. Do you remember which suburbs you found that have good CF?
@Roger Vi Your reasoning about how people still need somewhere to live even in a downturn is what got me into real estate. My genius epiphany was that the population is always increasing and everyone needs to live somewhere, and thus Landlord became "what I wanna be when I grow up". I'm accounting for 10% vacancy and conservative expense estimates when playing with spreadsheets. That's good advice about having as much control as possible over the things you can actually control. It's also like any other business where you cater to the customer. If your tenants are happy because you're an excellent landlord, you'll be more protected against market trends.
@Kendall T. I wonder if that's an example of the differences between economic groups. It sounds like your friend mostly had younger tenants without families to house that could move around more freely or something.
@Joe Villeneuve That's a great position to be in and now I'm thinking if I wanna incorporate that into my strategy. Good stuff to think about. Right now I'm looking at what I think are B-/C+ working class neighborhoods, where I'm assume people make enough to support their families but not enough to save up for their own houses.
@Bill Gulley Cool website! I'm going to go play with graphs on it now.