Oh boy. You guys got me started. How to explain without going on forever...
The more I think about it, the more I think this lady is the only reason I'm considering getting a property manager.
The first time I met her, she and her family were coming in their front door at the same time as me. I tried to introduce myself to her, and her daughter started talking to me; and then she wordlessly grabbed her daughter and grandchildren, ushered them into the house, and shut the door on me.
The second time I met her, and the first time I spoke to her, she accused me of racism three times.
Periodically ever since then, like about once to twice a week, she'll send longs strings of text messages screaming at me about eternal lists of things she wants fixed, done or is upset about.
Just earlier this week, she sent me another mashup of complaints at 11:09PM in which she went on and on about how cold it was in her apartment (it was warm and comfortable when I visited to do repairs last weekend) and water leaking in the basement, and in the middle squashed in 4 words stating "toilet isn't flushing properly"
Well, I work a day job and was under a deadline (as I frequently am). So I texted her back the next day at 6:51PM telling her when contractors are coming out to give quotes on the basement, and asking her to schecule a time that Sunday to reseal the air coming in through the front door. Her response was to scream at me for not responding immediately to fix her toilet, which apparently I was supposed to clairvoyantly know was in fact not usable, and then tell me she hired a guy to fix it herself that evening and that she would require reimbursement for it.
While I would understand that demand if she had clearly explained the situation and its urgency. Given the circumstances... I have no intention of reimbursing that money.
Bottom line. She exaggerates everything, finds fault with everything I do, constantly complains, and regularly threatens legal action.
I'm sick to death of this, all I need to do is make it to December 31st for her lease to expire and me to non-renew. But I have my first engineer's licensing exam coming up on December 16th, and at the rate she's wasting my time, I won't be able to study enough to pass.
So yeah. Considering a property manager. Even though under any normal circumstances, it wouldn't be necessary.