I have never allowed my tenants to make deposits period, especially wouldn't a check or anything besides cash but it may work for some people. I do however charge $20 for being late and $10/day until I am paid in full plus a check bounce fee. If they work my lawyer will get a judgement and garnish their wages until I am paid if they dont agree to move and a payment plan to pay the debt.
I see where you finally got the back check answer, figured that was coming.
My problem with letting the tenant deposits, especially the checks would be this:
1) They can deposit less than the rent and the judge will see they are trying in good faith to pay something which makes it difficult to evict. If they give me less than owed I give it back, don't accept partial payments b/c it prolongs the eviction process usually another month. I do take exceptions to this rule depending on how long they have rented and if they are habitually late. If they are not usually late then I may take it once and see how it goes for the remainder balance next payday.
2) If I receive a check I can call their bank myself and verify funds for the check before I deposit it. If the funds are not there I call the tenant out on it and see if their excuse is logical, such as my pay gets deposited tomorrow at midnight so I just went ahead and wrote the check.
3) They can stall you that many more days with a check when they deposit it, say they did the deposit when they didnt, etc etc etc. and the list could go on here!
4) I am relying on them to be responsible and take it into my bank. If something goes wrong I have to be the one cover it plus my tenant is a reflection of who I am as a landlord which now became someone else's business, people talk at the bank...It would be embarrassing for me.
I do take checks from some of my tenants but they know I prefer cash to avoid issues. They also know that if one check is bad I will not take another check from them and they have to pay all of their fees and mine, cash only from that point on. I have had many tenants that paid me with a check and never had a problem but there is always someone out there that is the exception to the rule and know how to work the system.....professional bad tenants!!
I have dealt with good and bad tenants but I have been down this road your on before with a check, not fun, but would never allow them to deposit them by any means. I would make a big change in how you take payment even if I had to send someone professional to collect it for me each month. I collect my own but I can and thats me.
Best of luck :)