Super basic question alert!
I have trouble factoring in exactly how much my hard money expenses on a given project will be. I am looking to use hard money to purchase a home with cash, perform light rehab, and then refinance to exit out of the hard money loan. For example, can someone analyze the hypothetical below to let me know how much I can expect to pay my hard money lender:
Purchase Price: $100k
ARV: $150k
Rehab: $20k
Rents: $1500/mo
Hard Money Terms:
Up to 70% of the ARV
3 points origination
$750 processing fee
$500 appraisal/application fee
$25 flood cert
13% interest only payments.
6 mo term
Some additional questions I have include: What if the rehab/rent/refinancing process takes longer than the 6 month loan term? What additional expenses should I expect at this point? I'm assuming any rehab and refinance will take longer than the 6 mo loan term allotted by the hard money lenders because there is typically a seasoning period of at least 6 mo.