I just went through this with one of my businesses. Literally, last month, I just did this.
Bank says.... you have a slow payment on something.
I say, sure as hell no way I have a slow payment.
Call D&B, already have my free DUNS #.
Hey D&B, what's up? Ok, only negatives can report to your score.
Until you pay $250, we can't report positives.
Are you ******** me I say?
No sir, serious.
So I pay my money.
Transfered to someone in India who can't help me. Call back, and get the same transfer treatment.
Unless you are getting something of value that I am not, this is called a SCAM.
My banker says it's a SCAM (but told me to play ball, as they pull D&B credit reports for all business requests).
Every single professional I know has said it's scam, and I run more than one business.
Now, like I said, SCAM or not, it might STILL be of interest, or value to some people. It sounds like it is to you, and you have some reason to protect some crappy company like D&B.
I'm going to trust my banker, my experience and my business associates more than you here.