@Ko Kashiwagi Hi Ko - yes, now that we are learning more about the process, in hindsight we should have contacted the lenders before even setting up the LLC. We are learning as we go, but at this point are seeking legal advice for assistance to complete this transition. The issue is that for one property, all members of the LLC (3) are on the mortgage, so we feel we shouldn't have an issue with the Quit Claim, but on the other property, only my partners (brother/SIL) are on the mortage, so we have concerns about attempting to move this one. We are hoping the attorney can provide advice on this..
@Sean O'Keefe - yes, as I noted to Ko, in hindsight we should have done this first. We were learning as we went, so set up the LLC first. For our next property, we will certainly thing this process through in advance so we are not in the position we are currently!
@Luis Alvarez - I spent some time reviewing the difference between a Special Warranty and Quit Claim deed on what was the best and it seemed like the Quit Claim was our best option. Because we are a team of 3, we were wanting to move the properties under the LLC for ease of organizing finances/tax implications. All 3 of us are on one of the properties, as we are the LLC, so we aren't necessarily worried about the protections of the Special Warranty. This issue is on the other property, which I am not currently on. We fear the lender is not going to allow a transition to the LLC since I am an unapproved party. We are meeting with an attorney to discuss our situation and attempt to seek options for how we can proceed. I feel we are in a unique situation, but perhaps there are others that have been where we are.