@Nick Vought if you currently have limited equity, have $1,200/mo. cashflow, and have three more units that need to be updated, consider:
What is your investment objective? A portfolio? A flip? A combination?
Do you truly consider this a good property? If so, see what you can do to keep it and enhance your cashflow with as minimal cash outlays
Do a sensitivity analysis. Softening of markets tend to pull down top of market properties. If there was a 10-20% correction in this neighborhood, would a rehabbed property be towards the top of this market? What would the rehabbing cost, and how much would you expect cash flow or resale to increase?
3.2% ($14,400 on $450k) is not a massive margin, but it is something. Selling or exchanging with real estate brokers or attorneys will also cut into your topline profits, are you okay accepting this as well right now? If this is an easy property, you might consider saving the cashflow for a year and re-evaluating this decision in a year.
Best of luck, and remember, there are multiple right answers, depending on your goals and timeline