Quote from @Alexandra Joy:
Thank you all for the replies! I agree with you all. I want to be neighborly as well as be a good landlord. I think this tenant is starting to come across as high maintenance and this was just another thing piled on top of other things.
Nearly every day she has asked me to do something. I know it's my job to maintain the house and property and I thought she was going to be a great tenant so I was always quick to respond and do what she asked.
But then it was things like she lost her key and asked I come immediately to give her my spare. I made her a copy and didn't make an issue of it. Then this request to print something out in the evening when I was already settled in for the night relaxing. Asking me to watch her two large dogs. think it's just starting to get too much and I am afraid she is going to be demanding and maybe has read me as a soft touch.
In the past two weeks I also cut all the grass, installed an AC, and bought a second fan, at her request. Hardly got a thank you.
Anyway she just informed me she might be moving soon (it's a month to month lease) so maybe we are finding it's just not a match. I am trying to be accommodating and helping but I don't want to be at someone's beck and call like their personal servant. I agree, favors are fine to ask but it's also important to respect people's time and not ask too much.
Ahh yes, this added context gives a little more clarity. I agree being neighborly is important but she seems to be a little overbearing even for a neighbor. I think you were right in this instance by being firm and setting that boundary. I certainly wouldn't want to be somebody's servant just waiting for them to ring the bell.
Keep crushing it, Alexandra!