Join us for our next real estate investor meetup Tuesday, September 12th at 4 Spirits Distillery in South Corvallis. Kyle Robertson will be presenting:
Get Rich Slow: How I BRRRR Apartments Out-of-State
We are excited have group member and guest speaker, Kyle Robertson, at our upcoming meeting on Tuesday, September 12th at 6:30PM. He will be sharing his journey in real estate with a presentation titled "Get Rich Slow", focused around investing long-distance and growing a portfolio of multifamily properties outside the state of Oregon, without the help of syndications, investors, or partnerships.
Learn about how Kyle Robertson partnered with his wife to go from working in emergency response to 96 doors in 2 years. Kyle has primarily focused on the BRRRR strategy for apartments out of state.
Here is a profile of Kyle that was published about 3 years ago on Bigger Pockets: your calendars for our October meeting on the 10th with guest Nathan Forbes speaking about investing on a budget and achieve financial independence. Read, listen or watch his interview with BiggerPockets Money podcast here: are looking for a new meetup location starting in October. Please let Ryan & Jesse know of any suggestions. Ideally with seating and networking space for 50 comfortably, low rental cost and food/beverage options.
-Watch for an announcement about our first ever 90 Day challenge to acquire your next property by the end of 2024. We will be taking a group through the book Real Estate Rookie: 90 Days to Your First Investment, but don’t be mistaken, this group is not just for rookies. We are going to be taking action together to make a final push to achieve our real estate acquisition goals for 2023 together.
Additional Meeting Details:
The event will be held at 4 Spirits Distillery, our Summer location in South Corvallis. The distillery offers a variety of food and drinks, and the atmosphere is perfect for networking and learning. Bring a jacket as the hot summer days can become cool at that time of the evening.
Here are some additional details about the event:
* The event will be held on September 12th from 6-8:30pm. We encourage you to arrive between 6-6:30pm
* The location is 4 Spirits Distillery, 3405 SW Deschutes St, Corvallis, OR 97333.
* The event is free to attend. We ask for a $5 donation to cover facility rental fees.
* Delicious food and drinks will be available for purchase. Come hungry, you won’t be disappointed.
Best regards,
Ryan & Jesse
Note about the WVREI: Monthly meetings are held to network and learn from local investors and industry professionals about real estate investing. Meeting are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm. Our speaker starts at 6:30pm and generally wrap up about 7:45pm with many in the group staying to network until 8:30pm or later.