@Glenn R. I'm not impressed with my income by any means, I don't know why people twice my age slave away their lives for $25/hr. I promise, it's not something I brag about. Haha. I also have a great head when it comes to buying stuff. I used to drive a $40,000 truck, rent a luxurious house, motorcycle, bought all new furniture, etc etc etc. I'm past all that. Got rid of most of it and I'm talking about getting rid of the rest, so I don't understand how I need to mature anymore when it comes to money. I'm pretty much not going to finance anything unless someone else is paying for it and giving me cash flow. Wasn't trying to brag about $5k a month, that's not worthy of bragging. I'd rather make $3k a month from passive income in rentals without slaving away 60 hour weeks like I do now.
College town is just close to where my parents live. I'm stuck between a college town and a huge city. I work in the huge city. Moving out there is waaayyyyyy too hectic for me. I like my seclusion in the country, which is a good 45 minute drive. I don't mind the drive at all, I don't see why people keep talking about that portion. I've driven an hour for work for over 7 years, it's all I know. Maybe it catches up with you with time though. I'm unsure. I don't plan on doing this job forever anyways though.
Not trying to sound like I'm attacking, I genuinely appreciate the advice. I'm working on my credit now. I have a secured credit card, and 3 others. I use them periodically and haven't paid a single cent in interest for over a year. My car (my only debt) has automatic payments set up and I'm going to double the payment after the first is sent and apply it only to the principal. I'm going to do this for a couple months. Once I have the RV and no rent, then I'll really throw it at the car. Good idea or no?
I'm really good with my spending now. Literally the only materialistic thing I've bought in the last few months have been books. I listen to them on Audible and buy the hard copies for my library. It's a sentimental thing and shows my progress along the way. Other than that, nothing flashy or dumb. Haven't even bought shoes in a year. I'm doing well over here I think! Haha. Sorry to ramble