@Ashley Gish
Reading through these comments it seems like an important point is being missed.
The amount of debt you have is meaningless without knowing about other things like income and assets. You could have 200k in debt and still be in a healthy financial position depending on your income. Don't worry about the comments from people who automatically assume 200k in debt is bad.
In terms of your decision to pay debt or buy property. The best choice depends on the returns you will get. By paying down the loan you're putting those dollars to work at 6.8 to 7.2%. Not a bad return actually. But if you can put those dollars into a property that returns a higher rate over the same time period (including capital expenditures over the years), then the rental is a better financial decisions. The challenge is finding a property that will offer the return you need.
Also, some people have mentioned refinancing your debt. That's a good idea. You can probably get a much better rate.