@Dennis M.
But I has to kiss butt. Because FHA allows 3.5% down, which is what I want, because I don't wanna have too much cash tied up on a downpayment. I need reserves for rehab, and store the rest away in a savings account for cases of turnover/vacancy/repairs. HML have higher interest rates and capitalize on borrowers who can't get traditional loans.
Honestly, I just want to have a successful first house hack. A duplex with positive cash flow. And I'm sick and tired of people saying "Oh, don't get hung up on positive cash flow, there's nothing with house hacking and paying a few hundred bucks a month, then renting a place and paying a fortune". Listen, my goal is to COMPLETELY eliminate a housing expense. That's why I'm saving so much cash. So I can fix up the place on my own dime and charge more in rent so I could effectively cover the entire mortgage without HAVING to work. And if I do decide to work on my leisurely time (which I most likely will, just want options to stay home if I don't feel like working a certain day). FHA sounds like the closest thing to what I'm trying to do.
If that’s not possible, than I guess I’ll have to figure it out.