Quote from @Alex Collins:
It's an off-market deaI. ... My thoughts were to have an inspector come out rather than a contractor to do the general assessment. ...
Alex is the property in Indy as well? Based on your post (so far), I'd also recommend an inspector. I'd also recommend joining a local Indianapolis based REIA asap. the REIA will provide a group of investors who could get you some contractor recommends if you decide to GC the prop yourself.
You said it "needs a little work done" but budgeted $50k so those two things kind of contradict unless the home is a larger home...just curious, what's "a little work", if you haven't had an inspection yet and don't feel comfortable evaluating the costs on your own?
Also if it is intended to possibly be a rental you should calculate the end result of the acquisition, the debt service, the rehab, etc and pretend to get a loan to refinance. then look at the potential rent to offset that monthly cost and see if it would cash flow. Good luck.