I am blessed, to have a partner/husband that was a GC for many years gave it up to work as a Project Manager for a start up had a great few years and that is now winding down. We purchased our 2nd Buy and Hold and we are in our 3rd month of rehabbing. We knew that he could only work weekends and some nights as he still works full time, we are waiting for the Company to go under and he will be available full time after that. Untill he gets something else. It's slow but keeps costs down even with the extra few months of carrying the mortgage utilities etc and we budgeted for that.
I couldn't agree more with Marcus you can't get a $10 guy it's at least a $20 here on Long Island and thats just a helper.
So doing it yourself has upside and down. Upside end result will be 2 new bathrooms and new kitchen, new windows, new floors updated plumbing and electrical panels, new oil tank outside all for cost of materials gas travel and costs of 3 - 4 months rent etc. Downside is husband MIA on weekends(Except for Giants Games) and 2-4 nights a week.
I do find that I see properties that I think could be perfect for our goals, but we can't do more than one project at a time at this point.
I get tons of valuable info from reading all of your posts, Thanks.