I've been lurking here for the past week or so and I've really enjoyed your posts.
I completely agree that you must first believe before you can achieve. You can have all the knowledge in the world and be the smartest person alive; however, if you do not believe you can do something, you simply won't.
If you don't believe you can do something, yet you find yourself compelled to do it anyhow. A great way to start changing your beliefs is through the usage of affirmations (repeating a positive phrase to yourself over and over again.) Which is exactly what I think you were talking about by repeating "I am a multimillionaire real estate investor."
When constructing affirmations it is extremely important to phrase them in the present-tense. For example, you do NOT want to say "I WILL be a multimillionaire real estate investor." That kind of future-tense affirmation will not work nearly as effectively. You must begin to believe that you already ARE a multimillionaire investor.
The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like."
Basically that means if you are not thinking like a multimillionaire real estate investor then that type of lifestyle or "energy" will not be attracted to you. In order to attract the correct "energy" you must already be thinking like a multimillionaire real estate investor.
There are tons of great books on this subject.
Some include:
-Think and Grow Rich
-You Were Born Rich
-The Science of Getting Rich
-The Master Key System
-The Secret (also a movie www.thesecret.tv)
Most of the books are about getting rich as you can probably guess by the titles. But they all use the same principals of "The Law of Attraction" as their underlying message.
You can use "The Law of Attraction" to attract more than just money, but money can be a great marketing tool :).
Really what they help you do is become successful, and successful can be whatever you define it to be. Earl Nightingale defines success as "A progressive realization of a worthy ideal." I like that one.
Anyhow, if you are interested in some of the science behind "The Law of Attraction" I've included some links below to a lecture put on by Bruce Lipton, he has a book called The Biology of Belief and he tries to explain from a cellular standpoint why belief is so important to getting what we want.
The video is in two parts and is a little over 2 hours long. (But it's a good watch.)
the new biology - where mind and matter meet 1 of 2
the new biology - where mind and matter meet 2 of 2