Is your current bank, lender, broker holding you back? Not enough loan options? Slow processing? Outsourced underwriting? Loosing clients/realtors because its taking too long to close? Limited to a few states? Too many overlays?
I am hiring Experienced Mortgage Banker. You can be located anywhere in the US. As part of my team you will get to learn from me (one the banks top producer) and have access to my hand picked processing team. You are just as strong as the team you work with.
- National lender - ALL 50 states
- Direct lender - Fannie, Freddie, Gennie
- In house operations - origination, processing, underwriting, closing
- Minimal overlays (main on FICO)
- Investor friendly
- In-house marketing team
- Industry leading loan application system to collect submit application and docs
- And a lot more...
Joint me at The Federal Savings Bank and give a boost to your career.
The Federal Savings Bank is a veteran-owned, federally chartered private bank with loan production offices nationwide. The Federal Savings Bank has built strong relationships with a local realtors and builders across our lending footprint and we continue to build key partnerships. To further extract business from these partnerships, we are seeking qualified retail loan originators who want to help cultivate these relationships, build new ones, and work together to grow their business to the next level. Only experienced Mortgage Bankers will be contacted.
Read the full job posting at -
For more information please contact Upen Patel direct: 571-331-5161 or [email protected]