I would personally never accept 4 dogs - unless the tenant gave me a huge non-refundable pet fee. No way I would accept a 6 month lease either, without a huge premium in rent. The move-in/move-out process is really hard on a house house. For a lease now, I would only be considering a 16th month lease or longer. This will reset your new tenant's move date to springtime, which will be better for both you and them. Don't let the time of year scare you into taking a subpar tenant. You didn't mention anything about the house, but if you are open to SEC 8, that's a safe tenant to attract this time of year. Outside of SEC 8 and someone relocating into your market for a job, tenants who apply this time of year tend to be deadbeats who were just evicted from someone else's house, regardless of what they tell you. Be sure to check your Court Websites to see what applicant's history is, and screen very carefully. Don't accept a subpar tenant without add'l deposit money.
Congrats on your new retirement vehicle!!!