Originally posted by @Robert Smith:
This is very possible, and I speak from direct experience. When talking with owners I always give them the least worst option close. I tell them there are many ways to sell a property however there are pro's and con's to each way to sell and I pitch them the option to sell to me as an investor. I don't want them coming back later and saying I did not at least let them know they could have received more money for the home, but I make sure they know when I buy the home there are no repairs needed and it is for immediate cash out when a traditional sell could take much longer. I have them even sign disclosures that I am an investor and they acknowledge that I am a real estate broker working for my personal interest instead of as a licensed real estate agent. Disclose, disclose, disclose. Real estate is my lively hood and I make a good living as a broker so I am not going to throw that away over a few dollars. Worst case if you cannot get the wholesale deal you could get the listing. Being an agent give you an advantage to finding more deals and ultimately helping more people, that is why I work as both. Get everything you do in writing and remember to have them acknowledge you are an agent and working on your personal behalf. Most agents only see inside the traditional box, good job on thinking outside of it.
Wow Thank You Robert for stopping in and posting this great information. Real Estate is changing and I wanted to really catch the wave and not be stuck "cold calling" all day and waiting for an opportunity instead of creating a few along the way. Awesome post!!! "DISCLOSE, DISCLOSE, DISCLOSE!!!!"