Most of my life was spent living in apartments, this extended well into my adulthood.
Cool breezes and the sounds of nature have a way of helping you get comfortable and even fall asleep, but living on the first floor I always felt just a wee bit too uncomfortable to leave my windows or patio door open & unattended—perhaps growing up in the hood and my line of work wouldn’t let me. Even better (spoken sarcastically of course) I recall dogs pooping near my garden level window, and the smell of neighbors’ chain-smoke inside my living room. During the summer unkempt bushes blocked my grand view or the parking lot. My least favorite thing about living in an apartment was hearing the things that go bump in the night, but not the ones from the monsters under your bed or in your closet-but from the bedroom above.
Even when I landed myself in a second or third floor apartment, some solutions surfaced but new problems arose. You know…like too many trips up and down on grocery day, and angry neighbors with brooms are to name a few. How about the dreaded apartments without visitor parking or limited residence spaces.
Now in my home I can park 4 cars in my driveway, and there are no more chain-smokers. Furthermore, the only thing that goes bump in the night are those bumps I choose to hear.
What are reason that make home ownership right for you?