Paying off your credit card debt will have the most obvious positive effect on your bottom line. If you have $5000 debt at 15%, paying it off will have the same net effect on your bottom line as finding a $5k investment at 15% (which, if guaranteed, would be an excellent investment for anyone.)
On the other hand, you can pay your monthly minimums temporarily and get your next house sooner, get more investment income and equity coming in, and THEN pay off your cards with that extra income. If you look at all the ways rentals earn you money (appreciation, cash flow, tax benefits, and amortization) and compare that with what your credit card debt is costing you, you'll be able to see which is the better route strictly from a numbers standpoint.
Then there's the intangible things to consider, like the fact that getting your next property can be very exciting. I'm also considering these options in a vacuum. Take a close look at your personal situation.
I'm thinking this out in my head as I type and now I'm also considering the ability to leverage properties. It will be easier to use equity in your properties to grow your portfolio down the road. (as opposed to using credit card debt for a down payment.) If you do decide to buy, the FHA loan program for owner-occupants is a very powerful tool. Just depends on if living there for a year will be a problem.