Hello all, My name is Tyler, I'm excited to have found Bigger pockets! I am a newbie Investor, I apologize in advance; for this is a lengthy question and a little bit on how I got started. I Purchased my first house / Property a little over a year ago @ 21 years old, no money down and a conventional mortgage. (Amazing deal) I bought it Knowing that it was a fixer upper and I got it well under market value. I jumped into it and completely tore the place apart. I've done 75% of the work myself and I love every bit of it. From the purchasing process to negotiating all the way to the rehabbing. I am planning on keeping this Property and living in it when it is finished. However, I have a huge passion for real estate and would like some insight on my journey forward. Would it make more sense to finish this Property and get secured before I grow my portfolio, or jump straight into acquiring more properties. I was originally planning on using the equity ill have built up once the house if finished to acquire my next property, most likely a rental or lease option. Thanks in advanced, Tyler.