This is sounding very familiar to a situation we had with inherited tenants this past winter. In our situation, she was on the lease while her boyfriend was living in the apt without a lease. When she called us to ask out of her lease to escape domestic abuse, I let her know we would let her out immediately and we would start the eviction process on him. About a month later they both left the apartment (destroyed) and I got a call from another landlord in town who was screening their application for another place together.
Looking back I don't know if I would have done anything different.
From a moral point of view I am glad we gave her every option to escape the situation that we could (which it sounds like you are willing to do as well).
From a property owner point of view, there was alot of damage to the walls and windows clearly from thrown objects so removing the tenants from our property as soon as possible minimized the cost of repairs.